Intensive English Program

The Intensive English Program at the Georgia Tech Language Institute is designed for non-native speakers of English who want to improve their English communication skills for academic, professional, or personal goals. 

Program Basics 

  • Five eight-week sessions per year.
  • Seven levels of English classes, beginning to advanced. 
  • Four classes per level: reading, writing, speaking/listening, and grammar. 
  • Classes meet Monday through Thursday. 
  • Located on the Georgia Institute of Technology’s campus in Midtown Atlanta, Georgia.
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Session Dates
Application Deadlines
SessionProgram DatesF-1 StudentsNon F-1/Transfers
Summer, 2025June 2 - August 1, 2025May 3, 2025May 26, 2025
Fall 1, 2025August 18 - October 10, 2025July 19, 2025August 11, 2025
Fall 2, 2025October 20 - December 12, 2025September 20, 2025October 13, 2025
Spring 1, 2026January 5 - February 27, 2026December 6, 2025December 29, 2025
Spring 2, 2026March 9 - May 1, 2026February 7, 2026March 2, 2026
Summer, 2026June 1 - July 31, 2026May 4, 2026May 25, 2026


Session Costs
Number of ClassesTuitionFeesHealth InsuranceTotal Per 8 Week Session
1 Class$584.00$56.49 $640.00
2 Classes$1,168.00$56.49 $1,224.49
3 Classes$1,752.00$56.49 $1,808.49
4 Classes (Non F-1: Full Time)$2,336.00$146.87 $2,482.87
4 Classes (F-1: Full Time)$2,336.00$146.87$615.28 *$3,098.15

* - Health insurance is mandatory for all F-1 students


IEP Levels

New students in the Intensive English Program are given a placement test before the start of the session. Based on the results of the placement test, students are placed in one of the seven levels available in the program.

Levels 100-400Levels 500-700Elective Courses
For learners who want to improve basics of English in grammar, reading, writing, and speaking/listeningFor learners who are preparing for study at an undergraduate or graduate program in the U.S.For learners who want to focus on a particular skill or topic including test prep, academic prep, business courses, and general courses about a variety of topics.
Level Placement
  • New students in the Intensive English Program are given a placement test before the start of the session. Based on the results of the placement test, students are placed in one of the seven levels available in the program. 

  • The placement test is administered through Oxford and assesses students’ skills in listening and overall use of English. New students are placed at the same level for all skills in their initial session. 

  • Students do not select the level at which they will begin. 

  • Students will be given diagnostic assessments by each of their teachers in the first week of classes to determine if the student has been placed appropriately. If necessary, the student may be moved up or down to a level based on teacher recommendation. 

Level Promotion and Length of Study
  • Promotion to the next level is based on final course grades and/or teacher recommendation. 
  • Students must receive a C- or higher to take the next class level. 

  • The length of time that it takes to complete the program can vary from student to student. How long a student stays in the program depends on a number of factors, including the following: 

    • Individual study goals 

    • Amount of time available to the student 

    • Beginning level of proficiency 

  • Overall language-learning ability  

  • Students are eligible to receive a level completion certificate at the end of each level. All four core classes must be passed with a C- or higher to earn a certificate. 

Courses and Workload
  • Full-time students are required to take a minimum of four courses per session. 

  • All students on F-1 visas are required to study full-time. 

  • There are four classes per level 100-600: Reading, Writing, Speaking/Listening, and Grammar. There are four classes in the 700 level: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening 

  • Each class meets 5 hours per week and courses are Monday through Thursday. An example class schedule: 

9:00-10:05 am 

Writing Classes 

10:20-11:25 am 

Reading Classes 

11:25-12:55 pm 

Lunch/Elective Classes 

12:55-2:00 pm 

Grammar Classes 

2:35-3:20 pm 

Speaking/Listening Classes 

  • Students are expected to take full responsibility for their learning. We expect students to be motivated, participate actively in class, complete all assignments on time, make progress in their studies, and be respectful of their classmates and instructor. 

  • Course catalog: