Upcoming Short Course Schedule


Spring 2A Courses

Everyday ConversationMarch 10, 2025 - April 2, 2025Monday and Wednesday10:15am - 11:45amIn Person$265Register Now
Interpersonal CommunicationMarch 11, 2025 - April 3, 2025Tuesday and Thursday10:15am - 11:45amIn Person$265Register Now
Reading ClubMarch 10, 2025 - April 2, 2025Monday and Wednesday6:00pm - 7:30pmOnline$265Register Now
American PronunciationMarch 11, 2025 - April 3, 2025Tuesday and Thursday6:00pm - 7:30pmOnline$265Register Now


Spring 2B Courses

Talk MoreApril 7, 2025 - April 30, 2025Monday and Wednesday10:15am - 11:45amIn Person$265Register Now
American PronunciationApril 8, 2025 - May 1, 2025Tuesday and Thursday10:15am - 11:45amIn Person$265Register Now
Grammar BasicsApril 7, 2025 - April 30, 2025Monday and Wednesday6:00pm - 7:30pmOnline$265Register Now
Professional Writing SkillsApril 8, 2025 - May 1, 2025Tuesday and Thursday6:00pm - 7:30pmOnline$265Register Now


May Courses

Everyday ConversationMay 5, 2025 - May 21, 2025Monday and Wednesday9:30am - 11:30amIn Person$265Register Now
Business CommunicationMay 5, 2025 - May 21, 2025Monday and Wednesday12:45pm - 2:45pmIn Person$265Register Now
American PronunciationMay 6, 2025 - May 22, 2025Tuesday and Thursday9:30am - 11:30amIn Person$265Register Now
Professional PresentationsMay 6, 2025 - May 22, 2025Tuesday and Thursday12:45pm - 2:45pmIn Person$265Register Now


GTLI short-term courses offer part-time study options for adult learners who are non-native speakers of English. Courses are designed for learners who would like to improve their English communication skills for both professional and social reasons. 

The short course program may be a good fit for you if you are...

  • visiting Atlanta for a short period of time
  • a professional with a limited schedule
  • someone looking for personal enrichment

Additional Information

Citizenship Requirements

Georgia Tech’s Office of Research Security and Compliance requires citizenship information be maintained for those participating in most GTPE courses. Citizenship information is obtained directly from the learner at the time of registration and is maintained in the Georgia Tech Student System.

When you apply you will be asked to provide a copy of the following government-issued identification documents based on your status:

  • U.S. visa holder: a copy of your U.S. visa and passport from your home country
  • U.S. citizen: your U.S. passport
  • U.S. permanent resident: your U.S. permanent resident card and your U.S. passport


Tuition and Refunds


Payment Options and Deadlines 
Payment must be made in full online by credit/debit card, electronic check, or bank transfer within one week of application submission and a minimum of 10 days prior to the course start date in order to receive access.

Refund and Withdrawal Policy  
Please see https://pe.gatech.edu/terms-and-conditions for policies about course refunds, withdrawals, and transfers.


Textbook Requirements 

The instructor will provide the instructional materials you need for the course. In some courses, a textbook may be required. Required textbooks will be noted in your acceptance email. 


Course Completion

Continuing Education Units
GTLI short courses meet for a total of 12 instructional hours. If you attend at least 80% of the classes and successfully complete the course assignments, you will receive 1.2 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Course Completion Certificate 
Upon successful completion of a GTLI short course (80% minimum attendance and a passing grade), you may receive a certificate indicating the number of CEUs earned.

Short Course Descriptions

High Beginning to Intermediate


Basic Writing

This course will help you develop sentence, paragraph, and short composition writing skills. You will learn how to organize your writing and increase your vocabulary. You will also learn how to use grammatical structures effectively in your writing to communicate your ideas.

Business Communication

You will practice speaking and writing skills to develop the personal presence necessary for success in business. You will learn how to communicate more effectively in professional situations, including meetings, social events, and presentations. You will also learn how to compose at least three different types of professional business communication.

Everyday Conversation

You will develop your vocabulary and practice communicating in short, everyday personal conversations. These may include talking about your daily life, or role playing what to say in everyday settings, such as a restaurant, store, or doctor’s office. You will develop your fluency and confidence in everyday situations.

Grammar Basics

You will review and improve spoken and written English grammar. You will practice applying grammar rules in real, communicative activities that include writing and speaking with classmates. The course will cover present, past, and future verb tenses, in addition to prepositions, nouns, and articles and other grammatical structures.

Practical Writing: Basic Business Emails 

In this course, you will learn how to write and respond to business emails. You will write emails to provide and request information as well as propose a change or meeting. You will also learn basic business email etiquette and the main differences between formal and informal business emails.  

Reading Club

You will read short, entertaining texts such as short stories, a short novel, lyrics, and articles. You will develop vocabulary and reading skills by using strategies such as understanding inferences, making predictions, and drawing conclusions. In groups, we will discuss characters, story/plot, and ideas presented in the readings. Purchase of a book (digital or paper) is required.

Talk More 1

In this course, you are invited to have fun expressing yourself speaking in English while working in pairs, small and large groups, or individually. Using impromptu strategies and improvisational techniques, you will speak creatively without preparation. Additionally, you will learn ways to communicate with others using movement, voice, and intuition. Whether you are shy or outgoing, you will learn techniques to succeed at getting your message across more effectively and enjoy the process!

Topics in the News

You and your classmates will choose news stories and topics that we will cover in class. You will read articles and watch video clips of various news stories and discuss them. You will learn and use new vocabulary that relates to the topics we study, and we will review vocabulary with group activities and games. As a final project, students will work in groups to create their own news video stories.


High Intermediate to Advanced


21st Century Communication Skills

In this course, you will focus on developing effective written and spoken communication skills for today’s world. You will learn how to collaborate more effectively on a team, use problem solving and critical thinking skills to find innovative solutions to real problems, and use a multi-media approach to communicate your ideas.

Academic Writing

In this course, you will explore the basic organization and style of American academic writing.  You will learn the core components of specific types of American academic writing, the purpose of these components, and expectations American readers have about content, style, tone, and vocabulary of these components.  You will also practice evaluating your own and other’s writing samples. 

Advanced Grammar Review

Grammatical accuracy in professional writing matters. Writing well-composed e-mails, reports, website copy, or even messages in Teams chats will increase your overall communication effectiveness. This course will review the most common grammatical and punctuation errors that writers make.  You will learn how to be your own content editor so that when you hit “send,” you will be more confident that your message is making a good impression on your audience.

American Popular Culture 

In this course, you will learn how popular culture reflects and influences American society, and how it shapes our attitudes, beliefs, and values. In the course, you will explore a number of topics, including film, television, music, advertising, fashion, sports, and digital culture. You will learn about the historical and cultural contexts of popular culture, as well as its social, political, and economic implications. As part of the course, you will participate in two site visits outside of class to experience first-hand some of the important cultural influences in Atlanta. An additional fee may be required to cover the cost of the site visits (indicated at time of registration). 

American Pronunciation

In this course, you will learn how to pronounce English more clearly. The instructor will help you identify aspects of your pronunciation that interfere with the clarity of your communication. You will learn how to pronounce problematic sounds as well as learn rules for pausing, phrasing, intonation, linking, and stress. In-class instruction will include special exercises to help practice various aspects of pronunciation and exercises to help you incorporate these new speech patterns into normal conversation. By the end of the course, you will be able to engage strategies to self-monitor your pronunciation. 

American Studies

You will use the skills of writing, reading, speaking, and listening in English as you learn about the rich history of the city of Atlanta. Course content focuses on Atlanta from a historical and contemporary perspective, from slavery and the Civil War to Martin Luther King Jr. to the Civil Rights Movement and Black Lives Matter. You will read as well as listen to lectures and watch movie segments about the city. You will participate in site visits outside of class to have a hands-on experience learning about the important role Atlanta has played in U.S. history.  You may need to pay an additional fee to cover the costs of the site visits (indicated at the time of registration).

Better Speaking: Current Events 

In this course, you will use news events both to improve your spoken English and to casually converse in English in social settings. You will read or listen to news about current events and summarize it as well as share your opinion about it. You will initiate and sustain discussions about current events in both classroom and casual settings. 

Better Writing

In this course, you will learn writing skills and strategies that are necessary for non-academic types of writing. You will practice writing for both formal situations like service requests/complaint or personal responses to everyday situations (e.g., messages of condolence, thank you, or reply), and informal situations like social media postings, text messages, and blogs. As part of this course, you will review vocabulary, grammar, and writing techniques that are useful for non-academic types of writing.

Business Case Studies

In this course, you will learn basic techniques for analyzing and writing about business cases. You will learn the characteristics of different types of business cases and different types of business case analyses. You will practice listening and speaking skills by participating in interactive lectures and discussion activities related to learning how to read and analyze business cases. You will practice reading and writing skills through business case analyses.


In this course, you will learn the basic skills needed to improve your scores on the IELTS test. We will practice strategies for the four sections of the test: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Purchase of a textbook is required.

Interpersonal Communication Skills

This course is intended for individuals who speak English as an additional language who would like to interact more effectively in different professional contexts. Throughout the course, you will learn the importance of showing empathy, engaging in active listening, and being aware of cross-cultural differences in both verbal and nonverbal communication.  You will learn strategies for negotiating differences, providing feedback, offering suggestions, and speaking up even if it makes you step out of your cultural comfort zone. In the class you will examine case studies, participate in role plays and class discussions, and engage in self-reflection to help you on your journey of becoming a skilled communicator in the global workplace.

Job Search Communication

Are you considering looking for a new job now or in the future? This course will help you learn how to prepare the documents you will need to pursue a job search effectively as well as how to orally communicate the information in those documents.  Documents may include, but are not limited to, a resume, CV, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter. You will also explore the different tools used in a job search. 

Leadership Across Cultures

In this course, you will learn about the theoretical and practical aspects of leadership in a cross-cultural context. You will practice oral presentation, reading, writing, and listening skills in English while discussing relevant topics in leadership. In this class, the instructor will give short interactive lectures on specific topics, followed by practical application of topics.   Guest lecturers may be invited to reinforce hand-on activities or conceptual ideas. Through coursework, you will gain an appreciation of cross-cultural differences in leadership as well as enhance your personal leadership capabilities. 

Professional Presentations Skills 

In this course, you will practice giving advanced-level speeches and presentations. You will practice preparing and presenting on a variety of topics using appropriate media tools. You will develop strategies specific to your strengths and weaknesses by receiving feedback from the instructor and your peers.

Professional Writing Skills

In this course, you will practice the grammar and style needed to write several professional writing forms. These may include professional emails, resumes, cover letters, blogs, and white papers. You'll write and have your writing reviewed and join your colleagues in activities to improve your grammar and professional writing voice.


In this course, you will learn the requirements of the four sections—writing, reading, speaking and listening—of the TOEFL exam. You will practice answering sample questions from each section and receive feedback on how well you perform the various tasks required on the test. Purchase of a textbook is required.